Thursday, November 08, 2007

Smelling coffee early in the morning

The last Raya trip home further reminded me that I am turning into an old man and getting really out of sync with the 'younger generation' in general as well as my extended family. Raya is really the only time that we all (almost) can meet as a family nowadays. It used to be such a close-knit group, with get together or makan makan used to happen at least once a week or so, that was before kids started to grow up and starting moving to other cities in search of knowledge, money etc.

I love my hometown Kuching, it is such a nice city (for retirees....), but as long as it stays as pathetic as it is right now (the best cineplex there is like 15 years old with speaker bunyi pecah..... how can??), I dont blame other young people moving to other cities. I just dont understand, it is a common fact that Kuchingites are not that poor at all, and they always fly to KL for shopping or whatever (I see them here every school holiday....).... why dont anyone just invest there.... ie: GSC open cineplex in Kuching.... and then no need to fly to KL anymore??

back to family matters. My nephew was 7 months already, he has grown quite big and turned out to be one hyperactive baby. I have seen him being thrown into the air by his parents (hands-off!!)... on another occasion he was in the baby seat (the baby basket thing) and there he was swinging quite extremely with his father holding the handle..... and he had the loudest baby laugh that I have ever heard (macam org tua). I came to knew from my younger sister that these 'extreme' things happen quite often..... at some point I was not sure if these people knew what they were doing to the baby lol (but pretty sure no harm done).... but at least the baby had a lot of fun. One extreme baby indeed.

I also found that I do not know what is going on with my younger cousins. I see myself imitating those whom I regarded as 'silly old people' when I was young(my uncles and aunties)... everytime I went back I would ask the young ones what standard/form they are in.... or what course they are taking, when theyre graduating etc.... but by the next visit I would have forgotten all these and would start asking them all the same questions again....

Don't you find your self imitating those exact people that you thought had no idea what they were doing (eg your parents?)..... I have always thought I can be better parents than my mom and dad. Their parenting style to me at least was suitable only for the 60's, to me their skills were solely derived from their own childhood experience, and what they thought were the right thing to do as parents (this was in the 60's).... which I concluded as irrelevant when I was growing up (in the 90's). So now, I am supposed to know the right thing to do based on my childhood experience (90's)... but if I ever had a child... thats like at least 5 years from now, then by then what I perceived as the right thing to do to my children would be irrelevant????

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